Hey there lovely people! I am Nishka and welcome back to my blog post! Today I will be sharing A Google Slide called Music and Math. Did you know that you need math to play music? I didn't know. If you did then please comment down below.
Anyway, if you would like to see my Google Slide, then please look underneath this text! I also have another slide which will have another Google Slide similar to this but I have to make my own!
Here it is!
So this activity was all about Music and Maths. It was all about that sometimes maths is used in music! I had a really fun time making this. I learnt many this out of this like what numbers the notes equal!
Did you learn anything new out of these Google Slides? Do you play any instrument? I don't play any instruments. Well, this is it for today's blog post! I hope you enjoyed this blog post! If you did then please hit the like button and I will see you guys in the next blog post which is coming tomorrow! Bye!
- Peace Out! Nishka In and Out