Hi there!
My name is Nishka and today I am talking about my holidays! So what I did in the holidays was so fun so please like, comment and read!
Sleepover With Priya!
So what I did was pretty fun because I got to have a sleepover with my friend Priya and she has got a little baby brother! Priya's little baby brother is 3 months old! He is so cute and adorable! I was like " I need to keep him! He is so cute! " I kept saying that to my friend Priya. Priya actually said that " You can keep the baby if your mum allows me to your house! ".
Priya is so pretty and she normally looks after the baby! When I was at her house for a sleepover we both looked after the baby! We slept at Priya's house for 1 week in the school holidays!
That is it for the sleepover but now it is time for investigation!
So we had a 2 week holiday so we were bored. I told my family that we should go on a investigation! My family said " That will be so much fun! We might find cool stones! " So when we started the investigation we found a diamond! So when I read my minerals book I found out that diamonds are the hardest stones ever!
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Bye! See you next time awesome Bloggers 😀