Hiya People! Today we did something that everybody does in Summer that everybody does and it is fun, Swimming! For the last two weeks, we had swimsafe instructors come to our school pool to teach us about how to swim safely and how to survive underwater!
We have used life jackets so we could float without using our legs and arms to tire ourselves! We have also learnt to do many strokes life freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and many more! We also used our pyjamas to see how it feels underwater with our clothes! There are many more stuff we did like Whirlpool, Boat Safety, A Huddle, and River!
Here are some photos that our teacher took for us so that we could publish it to our blog! I am in many and I look hideous in most of them sooooo, let me just show you!
I learnt that when you do Whirlpool and you run very fast, when you lie flat you spin around on the water and while you are running, it kind of makes you feel dizzy. I felt like wearing my pyjamas in the pool felt weird because it feels uncomfortable while wearing pyjamas in the pool and it make you feel heavy in the water.
Next time I am excited for going on the boat again in the deep end with no goggles and going underneath the boat to breath (my voice sound weird underneath the water)! The thing I will remember the most about this year's swimsafe lessons is when we did freestyle and backstroke! It was really fun doing the strokes the most.
It was really fun doing all but I say my most favourite was freestyle! I also say dolphin dive was the hardest for me because I don't like going down to the bottom of the pool and then coming back up!
Question Time!
Do you like swimming? (I do)
Would you ever go swimming? (I would go swimming everyday btw)
Has Swimsafe ever come to your school? (swimsafe has come to our school!)
What is your favourite stroke? (my favourite stroke is freestyle)
What end do you like? The deep end or the shallow end? (I like the deep end because you can jump whenever you like)
🤍Bye Bloggers🤍